Eyes Now
8687 N Central Expy Suite 2332 Dallas TX 75225 +1 214-368-0059
Eyes Now
2401 S Stemmons Fwy Suite 2000B Lewisville TX 75067 +1 972-316-0110
Eyes Now
1251 E Southlake Blvd #331 Southlake TX 76092 +1 817-668-6393
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Can Sun Glare Damage Your Eyes?

Sun glare beaming down on a clear sunny day

Have you ever noticed that your eyes water in the cold? They get scratchy when it’s dry out? And, you naturally squint when it’s sunny? Your eyes are sensitive to different weather conditions, but probably the most harmful is exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Whether you’re out in the sun directly, or it’s […]

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How Are Diabetic Eye Exams Different from Regular Eye Exams?

An older woman having her eyes examined by an optometrist

Diabetes can affect your body in a variety of ways, and your eyes are no exception. The condition increases the risk of developing various eye diseases, and you should receive regular examinations to protect your ocular health. But how do diabetic eye exams differ from standard eye examinations?  Standard & Diabetic Eye Exams A comprehensive […]

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